Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Seven Characters for Seven Sins of the Modern Society Movie Review

Seven Characters for Seven Sins of the Modern Society - Movie Review Example This paper declares that the film starts with gluttony and the first victim is an obese man, who was forced by John Doe to feed himself to death. It is striking that sins and types of punishment are closely related as it is exemplified in the death of the obese man. Andrew James Johnston notes that â€Å"the murders adhere to Dantean principle of contrapasso, according to which a punishment must resemble the sin for which it is inflicted†. Although the plot alludes to Dante and Chaucer as the sources of the concept of seven deadly sins in a medieval fashion, somehow, it is still rooted in American way. Indeed, obesity is a morbid health problem threatening millions of Americans including children and adolescents. This essay stresses that Fincher’s everyman â€Å"John Doe† pushes the gluttony to its utmost limits to show the dark side of insatiable hunger, which affects millions of people. By using the obese men as a character, Fincher portrays the insatiable and unrestricted hunger of the modern consumer society. The second victim, a rich lawyer called Eli Gould, also suffers from excessive love; he represents people’s greed and obsession with money in contemporary capitalist societies. The office of murdered lawyer reflects the atmosphere of cold, calculating rationality of business world, with its modernist decoration e.g. abstract paintings, Marcel Breuer Chairs, Le Courbusier Settees. Eli Gould is characterized as a very ambitious attorney who had helped a pedophile to escape conviction for the rape. John Doe punishes the sin of Gould by making him bleed to death. Besides greed, Gould also represents decaying justice system of the society, which allows child rapists t o become free. Although Victor escapes the justice system with the help of Gould, he becomes the â€Å"Sloth† victim of John Doe. As Hill and Smith notes â€Å"sloth is derived from Latin acadia meaning ‘without care’† and it also denotes apathy and lack of feeling (14). John Doe punishes Victor’s apathy by tying him to a bed. His literal immobility, or what Summerset calls as his â€Å"forced contrition†, represents the idleness of a â€Å"sloth†. Furthermore, Victor, embodies uncaring, â€Å"minding your own business† attitude of everyman which Doe protests at the end of the movie while he

Monday, October 28, 2019

Community behavior Essay Example for Free

Community behavior Essay African American spirituality has woven collectively the best of African Anglo cultures to creatively shape their own African American identity. While black peoples have not been socially, politically or economically free in the history, the practice of spirituality has facilitated the development of different forms of cultural and spiritual freedom by interpreting, transcending and embracing, the constraints of an oppressive culture. Furthermore, the development of their own beliefs, norms, forms, practices, and structures has given rise to a culture and life that is a distinctive form of human survival, existence, and, freedom most importantly. The black churches as the centers of freedom influenced the praxis of African-American spirituality. They have become safe places where blacks gathered to embrace their combined concerns as a community of faith. They have been the only institutions in the African American experience that has continued relative independence from the domesticating influence of white pressure and overlords. Some black churches consider may be the last place to see integration due to the need to maintain a power base not available to black people elsewhere. After reviewing some aspects of worship as the context for cultural and spiritual freedom, black preaching in and out sides of the black churches are one of the most powerful expressions of freedom for black people in America. The ability to produce a soul language that defines truth into systems of meaning gives power and purpose to black people. Subsequently, Black community successfully adopts and adapts the structures of the much larger culture for their own purpose this practice comes from a double consciousness or translating. African Americans translated the experience of one kind to that of another which leading them to freedom. Therefore, black people spirituality gave freedom to the spirit and mind that the external condition could not take away. The religious approach is due to a deep faith in the sacredness of life that reaffirmed a personal dignity in blacks which resulted in the practice of nonviolence and mercy. Black community determines themselves how they responded to oppression. Various forms expressing improvisation and innovation from black soul forces constituted black culture. These forms under the subtitles black music, literature, humor, folk tales, sports, art and dance; and their worship forms under the headings of prayer, shouting, healing, dancing, singing praising and instrumental music transformation, teaching and preaching. These forms express that what is true and valuable will be determined by black community itself and will subvert and defy attempts of the larger culture to discern. Churches can prove to be of great importance as it helps in providing a psychological and physical assistance to their congregants by providing treatment and prevention oriented programs in the society. A great example from the history is the Black Church that has served through decades as an informal social guider. And its effectiveness posed people to research on the formal means. Substance abuse, support, health screening and education were some of the fields where the Black Church provided its services. Individuals and churches that are associated with it hold significant importance in the history as it created a chain between informal and formal system of care that benefited the society specially those who are marginalized or underserved. These programs were encouraged by many others like lay persons, natural helpers, and religious leaders. As far as these religious leaders are concerned, they made their finding in the treatment of mental illness and they made everyone realize that paraprofessional counselors are in no way less then the professional counselors. They made their achievement in four areas of community medicine: primary care delivery, health promotion and disease prevention, community mental health and health policy. The church had great potentials. It provided and outstanding performance in collaborating with formal care systems to maximize its programs. Eng et al. helped a great deal in promoting the church’s health care programs. Such â€Å"natural helpers† have gone through a training program where they learnt how to interact with the health professionals, resource mobilization, primary self-care skills and prevention, organization of educational and services-oriented activities. Whilst the lay advisors were supposed to foster social support, they were expected to promote a healthy general well-being of people and were asked to keep a close link with the formal care system. As far as the roles of religious leaders are concerned, they are not fully described in the health care literature. In the early 1970’s, a need for psychiatrics developed in rural areas, as these individuals were recognized the more underserved population. These investigations evolved and helped in the contribution of understanding the mental health status between the urban and the rural individuals. Social, economic and geographical factors are the attributes of such rural problems. The main difficulty in the rural life of South was to separate the effects of poverty from the effects of race, color, cast etc. but after some time the solution was discovered. But later it was discovered that only 3% of the licensed psychiatrics were practicing the rural areas and the rest were gone to nowhere. Rural populations were again left to the same position as it was before. â€Å"The Black Church has no challenger as the cultural womb of the black community. Not only did it give birth to new institutions such as schools, banks, insurance companies, and low income housing, it also provided an academy and an arena for political activities, and it nurtured young talent for musical, dramatic, and artistic development† (1990, 8) The factor of race still existed between these populations no-matter if it’s urban or rural; it also greatly affected the mental healths of each individual. Many theorists believe that White American have been always against the black consumers, because they have no understanding of black’s culture, traditions, beliefs etc. But on the other hand blacks are not either interested in consuming goods or services from the Whites. They are less likely to trust White therapists and try not to interact with them in any case. Studies proved that Blacks are interested in consuming goods and seeking services from the blacks due to the understanding of same culture and traditions, it is also based on the preference of similar attitudes and racial compatibility. The research grew further and further. The research helped in understanding the need to change and acceptance of cultural and attitudinal differences and system-levels barriers. Studies proved that racial identity can be a part of success. Here racial identity means that identification of diverse racial backgrounds; it includes the basic knowledge of one’s culture and traditions. Accepting the non normative behavior of minorities can also help in dealing with societies; therapists play a big role in understanding the culture background. Lack of understanding of cultural responsiveness may result in disturbance between racial differences and help seeking environment. As compare to white blacks are more tolerant of psychological distress. They are very quick in diagnoses of schizophrenia and psychosis and control such diseases in their premature stages. Individuals, interpersonal and system-level factors promote understanding of service utilization and psychiatric morbidity. They focus on individuals because individuals predict reasonable outcomes related to services and treatment. Researchers always pick out individuals to get correct outcomes; the individual factors include race, religiosity, beliefs about mental health and copying styles. Social support, stigma and social distance are included in interpersonal level. â€Å"The Black church tradition provided an environment for reapplying already learned processes for interdependence. Embedded within the individual were past experiences, traditions, values, and norms for emotions, cognitions, and behaviors conducive to relatedness and interpersonal ness that reflected a collective sense of belonging with, rather than to, caring, similar others† (2001, 40) Management of mental illness is essential to the social support in rural areas. An alternative to expensive or inaccessible impatient or out patient services are neighbors or extended families. Researchers have also identified the contributions made by natural helpers in promoting positive changes to the environment. Mental illness and health care systems motivated natural helpers to provide social support to the rural black communities. A powerful indicator of poor utilization of care is Stigma that is influenced by individuals and interpersonal levels. It discourages the search for formal services but encourages the social support and informal care systems. The study says that Blacks have higher levels of tolerating psychological distress; the main reason behind this is stigma and fear of hospitalization. This sometimes results in help-seeking from specialty providers but this happens only in extreme cases. This hypothesis shows the higher emergency level among Blacks compared to Whites, Asians and Hispanics. Informal systems are fostered by fear and stigma amongst the rural Blacks. It was noticed that poorer Blacks were more likely to experience distress, physical, mental and interpersonal problems as compared to wealthier Blacks. But as compared to Whites, 15% Blacks are less likely to seek help for emotional problems than their physical or interpersonal problems. Furthermore, Blacks seek help for their financial problems but this is limited to their geographical boundaries and economic barriers. The above study has made it clear that, urban counterparts provide more social and mental services as compared to the rural churches and it also have less links with the formal system and promote the informal systems of care. We also analyzed that White churches have more links with the formal system of care than Black Churches but Black Churches provide more social and mental health service.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Its Time to Decriminalize Marijuana :: Marijuana Drugs Argumentative Persuasive Essays

It's Time to Decriminalize Marijuana Currently, drugs remain high on the lists of concerns of Americans and are considered one of the major problems facing our country today. We see stories on the news about people being killed on the street every day over drugs. To many people drugs are only an inner-city problem, but in reality they affect all of us - users and non-users. I believe that the negative affects we associate with drugs would be greatly reduced if the United States adopted a policy towards the total decriminalization of marijuana. The current drug policy of our government is obviously failing. Drug laws have created corruption, violence, increased street crime, and disrespect for the criminal justice system. Current drug legislation has failed to reduce demand. It's just too hard to monitor illegal substances when a significant portion of the population is committed to using drugs. (Inciardi and McBride 260) Marijuana comes from the hemp plant, which can readily be grown on fields across the nation and was cultivated heavily in colonial period. After 130 years of being legal, the potential problems of marijuana were brought into the public eye by Harry J. Anslingler, the commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and author of Marijuana: Assassin of Youth (Goldman 88). In his book, Anslinger portrayed images of Mexican and Negro criminals, as well as young boys, who became killers while under the influence of marijuana. With the added public pressure, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed into law the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. This law made the use and dale of marijuana federal offenses. At this point marijuana was removed from the public eye, and heavy users included poor Negroes, migrant Mexicans, and Jazz Musicians (Himmelstein 3). Marijuana reappeared in the mid 1960's with the emergence of the "Hippie." Widespread objection to the use of marijuana remained because of the set of valued and lifestyles associated with it, but use appeared in colleges and among middle-class youths in the suburbs (Himmelstein 103). Marijuana became a symbol of a counter-culture, and youthful rebellion. As a consequence, marijuana use rose for the next ten years. Marijuana was becoming more accepted across the nation. As the users of Marijuana changed, the attitudes about the danger of Marijuana broke down. In 1970, the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act reduced the classification of simple possession and non-profit distribution from felonies to misdemeanors (Himmelstein 104).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

History of the Development of Brakes :: Design and Technology

History of the Development of Brakes The first brakes were drum brakes. They were metal upon metal, and made a terrible noise, although they did work. Since then, brakes have been made with asbestos, which is heat resistant, hard wearing, and relatively silent. Drum Brake (1890s~1980s) The working parts of a drum brake are contained in a hard metal drum that is attached to the hub of a wheel and revolves with it. Inside, but unattached to the drum, are a pair of stationary curved brake shoes that are normally held away from the drum by springs. When the brake pedal is depressed, fluid is forced through the brake lines and into the wheel cylinder. Pushrods in the cylinder then apply pressure to both shoes, overcoming the spring tension and pressing the shoes against the drum. Hydraulic drum brakes can also be mechanically activated as parking brakes by a cable attached to the lever. When pressure is removed from the brake pedal, springs on the brake shoes force the shoes back to their normal released position. This movement of the shoes forces the pistons inward, returning the fluid to the master cylinder reservoir. Power Brakes (1940s~present) Power brake units used on passenger cars are of four general types: vacuum suspended; air suspended; hydraulic booster, and electro-hydraulic booster. Most power brakes use vacuum suspended units, which contains a large vacuum-powered booster device to provide the added thrust to the typical power-brake. Pressure on the brake pedal pushes forward a rod connected to the pistons of the two master cylinders. The pistons begin forcing fluid into the front and rear brake lines. At the same time, the brake-pedal pushrod positions the vacuum-control valve so that it closes the vacuum port and seals off the forward half of the booster unit. The engine vacuum line then draws off the air, creating a low-pressure vacuum chamber. Atmospheric pressure in the control chamber then pushes against the diaphragm, dividing the two chambers. The pressure on the diaphragm, which is locked to the pushrod, forces it forward, supplying even more pressure on the pistons. The safe driver is always ready to apply the total force needed to stop their vehicle, even if the engine quits (removing the power assist). Disc Brake Disc (1970s~present) Brakes use a clamping action to produce friction between the wheel and the suspension members which hold the wheel. Firmly mounted to the spindle, the caliper works like a c-clamp to pinch the rotor which is attached to the spinning wheel. "Floating" calipers allow themselves to move slightly when the brakes are applied, because only one pad moves (in relation to the caliper). History of the Development of Brakes :: Design and Technology History of the Development of Brakes The first brakes were drum brakes. They were metal upon metal, and made a terrible noise, although they did work. Since then, brakes have been made with asbestos, which is heat resistant, hard wearing, and relatively silent. Drum Brake (1890s~1980s) The working parts of a drum brake are contained in a hard metal drum that is attached to the hub of a wheel and revolves with it. Inside, but unattached to the drum, are a pair of stationary curved brake shoes that are normally held away from the drum by springs. When the brake pedal is depressed, fluid is forced through the brake lines and into the wheel cylinder. Pushrods in the cylinder then apply pressure to both shoes, overcoming the spring tension and pressing the shoes against the drum. Hydraulic drum brakes can also be mechanically activated as parking brakes by a cable attached to the lever. When pressure is removed from the brake pedal, springs on the brake shoes force the shoes back to their normal released position. This movement of the shoes forces the pistons inward, returning the fluid to the master cylinder reservoir. Power Brakes (1940s~present) Power brake units used on passenger cars are of four general types: vacuum suspended; air suspended; hydraulic booster, and electro-hydraulic booster. Most power brakes use vacuum suspended units, which contains a large vacuum-powered booster device to provide the added thrust to the typical power-brake. Pressure on the brake pedal pushes forward a rod connected to the pistons of the two master cylinders. The pistons begin forcing fluid into the front and rear brake lines. At the same time, the brake-pedal pushrod positions the vacuum-control valve so that it closes the vacuum port and seals off the forward half of the booster unit. The engine vacuum line then draws off the air, creating a low-pressure vacuum chamber. Atmospheric pressure in the control chamber then pushes against the diaphragm, dividing the two chambers. The pressure on the diaphragm, which is locked to the pushrod, forces it forward, supplying even more pressure on the pistons. The safe driver is always ready to apply the total force needed to stop their vehicle, even if the engine quits (removing the power assist). Disc Brake Disc (1970s~present) Brakes use a clamping action to produce friction between the wheel and the suspension members which hold the wheel. Firmly mounted to the spindle, the caliper works like a c-clamp to pinch the rotor which is attached to the spinning wheel. "Floating" calipers allow themselves to move slightly when the brakes are applied, because only one pad moves (in relation to the caliper).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Discuss attitudes towards food and/or eating behaviour (24 marks) Essay

There are many explanations for the different attitudes of food and eating behaviour. One of the main explanations is social learning theory. This emphasises the impact of observing other people on our attitudes and behaviour. In terms of parental modelling, it is suggested that children can acquire their attitudes towards food by observing the behaviour of their parents. This is because the children are observing their parents eating patterns and therefore the parents are acting as eating role models. Children will notice that their parents are rewarded when they enjoy certain foods. The children will then imitate these eating behaviours as they will expect to get rewarded by doing so. Social learning theory therefore expresses the fact that children their food preferences as a result of vicarious reinforcement. As expected, there is a significant correlation between the diets of parents and their children. Brown and Ogden reported consistent correlations between parents and their children in terms of snack-food intake, eating motivations and body dissatisfaction. This is support for social learning theory because it is showing that observation in the home during childhood is a significant factor in determining eating behaviour and food attitudes. As well as this, in an experiment carried out by Duncker (1938), children observed a series of role models making food choices different to their own such as: their mother, a friend, an unknown adult and a fictional hero. The findings showed that all the role models had an impact on the children’s subsequent food choices except the unknown adult. Therefore children are more likely to sample unfamiliar foods after they have seen a significant role model (particularly their mother rather than a stranger) eat the food. This therefore supports the social learning theory explanation because it shows that parental attitudes and behaviour is especially an essential part of the social learning process of food choice and eating behaviour. Media is another factor that has an influence on our attitudes and behaviour towards food. The role of social learning is evident in the impact of media because throughout childhood, children are exposed to widespread food advertising on television to make food seem more attractive. This exposure can be effective in developing preferences, but unfortunately it can have negative effects because the advertised food tends to be high in fat and carbohydrates which can contribute to problems such as child obesity. Children observe role models in the media and due to vicarious reinforcement; they are often motivated to imitate the behaviour that they see. This means that advertisements involving food as well as role models are definitely powerful in shaping people’s food preferences. The role of social learning through media effects is supported in a study by MacIntyre et al. , who found that the media has a major impact both on what we eat, and our attitudes to certain foods. When evaluating social learning as an explanation of attitudes to food and eating behaviour, there is quite a lot of research support. The importance of social learning in attitudes towards food was demonstrated by Meyer and Gast. They surveyed 10-12 year old girls and boys and found a significant positive correlation between peer influences and disordered eating. The ‘likeability’ of peers was considered to be the most important factor in this relationship. However, this study shows that eating behaviour can be learned through alternative role models other than just our parents. Even though this study shows support, there are still issues with the theory and research into social learning as an explanation of attitudes and eating behaviour. For example, most studies and research support use correlations as their main evidence. Although these correlations allow us to study links between variables, they do not prove that one variable causes the other (e. g. media causes disordered eating). There may be other, extraneous variables that can explain why the co-variables being studied are linked. These studies may therefore lack in internal/external validity. As well as this, the social learning explanation has been criticised for ignoring other factors that have influenced attitudes to food and eating behaviour. It has been recognised that attitudes towards food are clearly a product of much more than social learning alone. For example, evolutionary explanations of food preferences suggest that our liking of fatty and sweet food is a direct result of an evolved adaptation among our distant ancestors over 2 million years ago. Therefore, we may not be able to completely rely on findings based on social learning theory as there could be many other factors that are contributing to our eating behaviour. Another explanation for our attitudes to food and eating behaviour is our mood. Low mood can often result in comfort eating, and low mood also seems to influence binge eating behaviour. Davis et al (1988) showed that low mood often preceded binge eating in bulimics. The same seems to apply in those with no known eating disorder. Students were asked to record their mood and eating habits over a two week period. Days that included binge eating tended also to be days of low mood, but significantly, binge eating did nothing to improve mood afterwards. So although we may binge when down it seems to do little to make us feel better. This influence of mood on our eating behaviours is supported by Garg et al. who conducted a study that focused on the impact of different films on mood and therefore eating behaviour. They observed food choices of 38 participants as they watched either an upbeat, funny film or a sad, depressing one. Participants were offered buttered popcorn and seedless grapes throughout the films. They found that those watching the sad film consumed 36% more popcorn than those watching the upbeat film, but the upbeat film group ate a lot more grapes. Garg et al. concluded that people who feel sad or depressed are more likely to go for a snack that tastes good in order to escape their negative mood. Happy people want to extend their upbeat mood and so choose to eat healthier foods. Even though there is support for mood influencing our eating behaviour, it is unclear why a binge-eating episode as a result of low mood is reinforcing for the individual, especially as any benefit appears to be brief at best. Many studies have also reported a mood decrement in individuals immediately after their binge. In terms of IDA, gender bias is an issue with most studies focusing on attitudes towards food and eating behaviour. These studies mainly focus on only women’s attitudes to eating behaviour, particularly in terms of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. However, a large number of studies have also shown that in men, homosexuality is a risk factor in development of disordered eating attitudes and levels of dieting. This suggests that studies that concentrate only on women offer a limited view of attitudes of food and eating behaviour and their findings will not be reliable if they were to be generalised to the population as a whole.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

integument system essays

integument system essays 1. Integument - a natural outer covering or coat, such as the skin or a membrane enclosing an organ 2. Protection - skin serves as a protective barrier from mechanical injury and penetration of harmful chemicals Defense - first line of defense against any disease organism Prevention of Dehydration - immersed in an internal sea carefully regulated, dilute salt, solution that is essential to life Maintenance of Body Temperature - by sweating it helps regulate the body temperature Excretion of Wastes - sweat glands also excrete excess water and waste Reception of Stimuli - sensors for stimuli of (touch, pressure, heat, cold, and pain) and sends message to central nervous system Vitamin D Synthesis - when ultraviolet rays hit the skin, a cholesterol compound is changed into Vitamin D 3. Epidermis - the outer most layer of the skin including dead cells of the stratum corneum and the living sub-layers of cell that give rise to them The epidermis contains: stratum, corneum. stratum granvlosm, stratum spinosum, and stratum basale. Dermis - the thick layer of skin composed of irregular, dense, connective tissue beneath the skin The dermis contains: ducts, eccrine sweat gland, connective tissue papilla, hair follicle, root, sebaceous gland, arrector pili muscle Subcutaneous Layer - the layer of loose connective tissue and apidase tissue beneath the skin The subcutaneous layer contains: loose connective tissue and appendage tissue. 4. keratin - a fibrous protein that forms the basic structural component of hair and nails. It is located between the phospholipid membranes to form the stratum corneum. Any one of a class of fibrous protein molecules that serve as structural units for various living tissues. The keratins are the major protein components of human hair. These proteins generally contain large quantities of the sulfur-containing amino acids, particularly cytosine. The helical k ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Guide to Writing Argumentative Essay in Technology Advance Your Essay Writing

Guide to Writing Argumentative Essay in Technology Advance Your Essay Writing What is an Argumentative Essay in Technology? The aim of an argumentative essay on any topic requires you to provide a clear opinion about a certain issue as well as support it with relevant evidence. Considering the diverse peculiarities of different fields, it is crucial to consider various sides of your specific area and topic. Thus, you should explicitly present your viewpoint by regarding only a particular side of the issue as the compelling one. With the aforementioned academic concepts in mind, you can proceed to the essay writing on various areas, one of which is the field of Technology. As the area is widely analyzed from various perspectives, you can focus on any topic and write an argumentative paper in Technology. Choosing a Topic for an Argumentative Essay in Technology First and foremost, you should narrow down the broadness of the issue. As it is highly recommended for this type of writing to be straight to the point, you should come up with a topic that presents a specific issue in any technological aspect. In order to successfully write the essay, you should do the research and gain relevant expertise in the peculiarities of the subject. Moreover, the topic should be connected with something that you are passionate about so that you can present arguments from the perspective of a specialist. Some of the most captivating areas that you may want to dwell upon could concern the role of technology in reproduction and health, technical experiments on humans, as well as robotics and communication technology. Hence, the examples of the topics for your argumentative essay on technology could be the following: Should Mechanical Reproduction be Considered Ethically and Morally Appropriate? Technology Has to Be Used to Make Human Regeneration an Ultimate Reality; Genetic Engineering Has no Limits, and Its Research Can Never Go Too Far; The Technology of Brain-Controlled Mechanisms Could Have Dangerous Implications; Nanobot Drones Pose a Substantial Threat to the Existence of Humanity; Are Electronic Books More Practical Than the Paper Ones? Cloud Computing and Machine Learning Eradicate Conventional Methods in Education. Pre-Writing Tips Choosing a topic for an argumentative essay in Technology is a substantial challenge. However, you can ask the instructor to clarify the research area in order to eliminate the vagueness of your task and make it more specific. After the topic selection process, you can proceed with planning your argumentative essay. To fully grasp the requirements, carefully read the assignment sheet as well as any relevant information from the textbook. Besides, should the assignment be complicated, you can always consult the instructor. Considering that your task is to write an argumentative essay, you should recognize that it is necessary to provide your perspective of the issue and persuade the audience in the reasonability of the arguments. Next, after you defined the topic and understood your assignment, determine the idea of the topic, and get enough knowledge about it. When setting a topic idea of your argumentative essay in Technology, you should focus on different perspectives of the issue and present your position in the thesis statement. You will also need to find evidential support for the arguments regarding the topic, which implies searching for additional sources. The substantial amount of data on Technology for your essay can be found on the Internet. You can search for sources on the topic at Google Scholar, websites focused on research and technology news, or science magazines for a non-professional audience. In addition, you may find sources at your school or college library. While looking for the information, you should remember that all the data must be drawn from credible sources only. What is more, you have to consider logos, pathos, and ethos before starting your writing process. Make your arguments logical, consider the audiences emotions, and appeal to the moral values. All these features contribute to a better perception of your argumentative essay by readers. Hence, you should plan how you will implement these principles in advance. Finally, before proceeding to the writing process, connect the research data into a well-developed and structured outline of your essay. In particular, you should extract the relevant information and use it as evidence to support your arguments. Moreover, an outline will guide you through the huge amount of data and structure of your argumentative essay. Divide the paper into introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, think of the potential hook and topic sentences, as well as determine the way of audience-appealing techniques. This step is essential for your writing as it defines the structure, cohesiveness, and as a result, the effectiveness of your argumentative essay. Structure of an Argumentative Essay in Technology Similar to any argumentative essay, a paper in Technology should comply with the standard form of academic essay expanded with one or more refutation paragraphs. Thus, your essay should start with an introduction, present your arguments and counterarguments in the body paragraphs as well as refutation sections, and summarize your ideas in a conclusion. Even though a common approach to writing an argumentative essay is the five-paragraph method, the number of paragraphs may vary with the word count limit. In addition, your structure could be expanded due to the necessity to cover the topic effectively. Despite this fact, your writing should always include paragraphs with the argumentation of your position as well as the most potent aspects of the counter-side. With an outline, it would be easier to determine the proper structure of your Technology argumentative essay. Introduction The introductory paragraph of your essay should capture readers attention by providing general background knowledge on the chosen topic. In other words, you should be concise and introduce the issue in the most interesting and convincing way. As an example, if your topic focuses on the subject of brain-controlling technologies, you can underline the peculiarities of the rapid development of this innovation during the present time. If you introduce the issue in such a way, the audience will be aware of the topicality of the problem and its potential implications on humanity. This implies that the presentation of your essay may also appeal to the audiences emotions, which in turn makes the readers prone to empathize with your viewpoint. The last and the most influential part of the introduction is a thesis statement. It is usually written as the ending sentence of the introductory paragraph. As your thesis serves as a guide for your whole essay, it should comprise all critical ideas of your argumentation. You have to make sure that a thesis statement is clear and thoroughly answers the topic question. The central aspect of your thesis statement is that it should present your position towards the issue and provide the most persuasive arguments that support your point of view. Do not create a thesis statement similar to this example: ‘The technology of brain control is dangerous for society as it can get out of human monitoring reach.’ Such a thesis statement does not indicate any aspects of the technologys peculiarities and presents only a single and unreasoned argument of the issue. On the contrary, the following example is explicit and could be used in your Technology argumentative paper: ‘Despite being a beneficial and rapidly-developing innovation, brain-controlling technology poses a significant threat to international society due to the substantial complexity of its operation, harmful impact on peoples health, and relatively high maintenance costs.’ You can see that the issue is thoroughly analyzed and crucial technological, healthcare, as well as economic arguments for the brain-controlling technologys inefficiency are present in this thesis example. Moreover, the thesis presents a counter-argument of ones position as it underlines that innovation has benefits for humanity. Finally, such a thesis statement clearly indicates the structure of the further body paragraphs. Therefore, this thesis serves as a robust example and can be used in your argumentative essay in Technology. Body Paragraphs When you proceed with the body-section writing, it is crucial to ensure that you present only one idea in each paragraph. Each point of your thesis should be stated in the topic sentences of your body section. You have to explain your arguments and support them with relevant pieces of evidence. Besides, do not forget that all retrieved data in your argumentation essay in Technology must be drawn from relevant sources. Finally, body paragraphs will be more appealing to the audience if you provide opposing viewpoints and refute them with your argumentation. For the audience to consider the critical points in your argumentation, you should not only present the complete agreement or disagreement with the topic issue but also strengthen your opinion with the scientific evidence. As an example of one body paragraph, if your essay focus is the healthcare argument of the social danger of brain-controlling technology, you should underline the existing examples of the innovations negative implications on brain neurons and the skull. It is highly recommended to refer to statistics and other relative data that would support this particular argument. However, you should anticipate the attempt to refute the argument and answer it with a profound response. On the example of the aforementioned topic and the argument, you may acknowledge that the direct surgical intervention in the human brain can be substituted with the brain implants, which do not interfere with the brain’s structure. However, you can defy such a counter-argument by claiming that there is still a potential risk of brain damage as implants have to be installed onto the brain surface. Therefore, the refutation section makes you an unbiased researcher. Such an aspect captivates the readers and prevents their questioning of your essays credibility. By approaching the issue from both perspectives, you are guaranteed to show the relevant competency in the subject and make your argumentative essay in Technology more appealing to the audience. Conclusion The concluding section of your argumentative essay should bear resemblance with the introduction of your paper. Here, you are required to summarize a thesis statement and each argument from the body section. Similar to the introduction, the conclusion should appeal to the audiences emotions and enforce the argumentation of your opinion. You should also keep in mind that the paragraph only ties the central aspects of the essay and cannot introduce new arguments or facts. When writing a conclusion of your Technology paper, you can summarize your ideas and transfer their implications on the current state of affairs. In particular, in the concluding paragraph, you may appeal to the audience via a comparison of the contemporary technological achievements to those of the old times as well as the potential development of innovations in the future. However, the sphere of technology is extensive, and your conclusion always has to correspond to the topic and the issue you dwell upon throughout your essay. Hence, it is your last opportunity to appeal to the audience by presenting the peculiarities of your topics specific aspects. Post-Writing Tips Having written the last sentence of your Technology argumentative essay that does not mean that your task is finished. You should always proofread and revise the essay and correct grammar, punctuation, and stylistic errors. Next, reassure that all the sources are credible and you have used the appropriate citation style. There are also several key aspects that you have to consider while proofreading an argumentative essay in Technology. First and foremost, check whether you have provided a reasonable position towards the topic issue. As the aim of such type of academic writing is to state your viewpoint and support it with evidence, you have to ensure that the essay does not merely present naked facts. Then, analyze all the structural components of your paper. This stage is crucial as you have to ensure that your introduction provides sufficient background information and clear thesis statement; that body paragraphs contain topic sentences, relevant arguments, and the refutation section; that conclusion gives the summary of your argumentative paper and restates a thesis from the introduction. The structure of an essay is its essential part, and you have to make sure that all the components comply with the requirements. Finally, evaluate your successfulness of logos, pathos, and ethos usage. The best argumentative essays are those that are logical, appeal to the audiences emotions, and speak to the moral values. Your paper should incorporate all these factors in order not only to receive a high mark but to achieve the appreciation of the readers. Therefore, the above-mentioned post-writing tips will assist you in enhancing the quality of the argumentative essay in Technology. These recommendations will help you improve your writing skills and in turn, ensure that the readers are impressed with your paper.â€Æ' Argumentative Essays. (n.d.). Retrieved from Fleming, G. (2019). Tips on How to Write a Solid Argument Essay. Retrieved from Gibson, E. (2016). The benefits and downsides of mind-controlled machines. Retrieved from Kearney, V. (2019). 100 Technology Topics for Research Papers. Retrieved from Kearney, V. (2019). How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Indian Killer

1. A murder is stalking and killing White men in Seattle. By scalping and leaving two owl feathers behind after each killing, the killer made it looked like an Indian’s work. The murder of the White man in Fremont, the disappearance of David Roger, the kidnapping of the white young boy made many Native Indian confused and worry- Including John Smith, a born Indian raised by White but he has a very big influence of the Indians especially father Duncan (a Spokane Indian). Sherman used mystery and irony to portrait his novel. Even at the end of the novel, the author still doesn’t tell who’s the killer - - or killers. But one of the most ironic things that happened at the end of the novel that gives the readers a shocking experience is that John Smith killed himself. 2. Main Characters in this novel include: John Smith, Reggie Polatkin, Marie Polatkin 3. Many other minor characters are John’s parents, David Roger, Father Duncan, and etc. 4. Seattle, sometimes after the European take over the Indian’s land 5. Skipped. 6. There is a lot of rage in this book. Whites are either mean or racist dullards, while those who try to sympathize with Indians are to be disdained. The author also tried to be as mysterious as possible. As reading the novel, the readers’ mood is getting more eager to know who’s the killer. The description of John (sounds like he’s mentally ill) made the audience expect him to be the killer. 7. There are some scenes that are very violent and gross. Such as when the killer first killed the White man in Fremont, the killer swallowed the eyes ball of the victim and scalped him. The description is very detail so it’s really sick. There are also bad languages and unnecessary chapters to describe minor characters. 8. The author often used irony in this novel. For example, White people raised John Smith yet he has no influence by White. He yearned for his lost heritage and wanting to find his real ide... Free Essays on Indian Killer Free Essays on Indian Killer 1. A murder is stalking and killing White men in Seattle. By scalping and leaving two owl feathers behind after each killing, the killer made it looked like an Indian’s work. The murder of the White man in Fremont, the disappearance of David Roger, the kidnapping of the white young boy made many Native Indian confused and worry- Including John Smith, a born Indian raised by White but he has a very big influence of the Indians especially father Duncan (a Spokane Indian). Sherman used mystery and irony to portrait his novel. Even at the end of the novel, the author still doesn’t tell who’s the killer - - or killers. But one of the most ironic things that happened at the end of the novel that gives the readers a shocking experience is that John Smith killed himself. 2. Main Characters in this novel include: John Smith, Reggie Polatkin, Marie Polatkin 3. Many other minor characters are John’s parents, David Roger, Father Duncan, and etc. 4. Seattle, sometimes after the European take over the Indian’s land 5. Skipped. 6. There is a lot of rage in this book. Whites are either mean or racist dullards, while those who try to sympathize with Indians are to be disdained. The author also tried to be as mysterious as possible. As reading the novel, the readers’ mood is getting more eager to know who’s the killer. The description of John (sounds like he’s mentally ill) made the audience expect him to be the killer. 7. There are some scenes that are very violent and gross. Such as when the killer first killed the White man in Fremont, the killer swallowed the eyes ball of the victim and scalped him. The description is very detail so it’s really sick. There are also bad languages and unnecessary chapters to describe minor characters. 8. The author often used irony in this novel. For example, White people raised John Smith yet he has no influence by White. He yearned for his lost heritage and wanting to find his real ide...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Did women have a Renaissance in Early Modern Europe Essay - 1

Did women have a Renaissance in Early Modern Europe - Essay Example The early modern period saw many rapid changes in the way that society interacted with itself. Whereas the middle-aged should have been defined by dogmatic religious interpretation, the early modern period saw something of a relaxation of the means by which society and the laws that constrained it operated. Moreover, trade began to flourish and created the first exhibitions of what we might now term the middle class. Arts and literature came to be in greater and greater prevalence within this particular era due to the fact that the daily struggle to provide food, security, and basic human needs was simplified. Political theory and the means by which society was structured became less chaotic and more orderly. However, even though it might be tempting to state that each of these progressions somehow invariably impacted upon the plight of women, it is the assumption and understanding of this brief analysis that even though a great many societal changes were occurring during this time, the majority of these did not impact upon the rights and/or freedoms that women would otherwise experience. Instead, the benefits of this â€Å"early modern era†, as it was dumb, were almost invariably concentric upon the males within society. However, even though a low level of benefit was able to be derived by women during this period in time, the reduction in power that the church was able to exert over societal shareholders was necessarily a net in a fit with regard to the overall level of rights and privileges that women could exercise and experience within their respective societies. Naturally, this reduction in the church’s power existed to varying degrees based upon geography and/or ethnic/cultural determinants. Secondarily, as a direct result of the level of economic growth and the rise in the existence of the middle class, women of this particular class experienced a different type of lifestyle than those which had traditionally been confined to and constrain ed by abject poverty and/or the differential between the extraordinarily wealthy and carefree and those who struggled under varying forms of servitude to provide for the needs of themselves and for their families. Firstly, any study or examination of human rights and the progression of feminism denotes the fact that religion, by very definition, has traditionally negatively impacted upon the way and manner that these freedoms were experienced. Whether one considers the case of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, or any of the other world’s great religions, each of these has at its core a patriarchal respect which necessarily places women and their rights in a position of lesser importance (Andrea 275). In much the same way, medieval Europe was defined and structured along religious lines. This was so much the case that cultural differences between the French and the Italians, between the Germans and the Danes, and/or between the Swiss and the Poles were more concerned wit h whether or not a particular religion defined this interaction than they were with regard to the differential and cultures that necessarily existed between the two. For a large part of the dark/Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church had near unchallenged sway with regard to how people thought and believed in Europe. However, as a result of the challenge that Protestantism posed, the role and power of the Roman Catholic Church, and indeed the overall power that religion itself was able to project within this system were necessarily reduced. This is not say that Europe experienced anything like a miniature enlightenment during this period. Rather, the challenge of an alternate point of view led many individuals to challenge, at least on a personal level, whether or not the religion that they had so long clung to was effective in determining the mores and norms by which they would live. It is important to note at this juncture that even though Protestantism allowed for a deviation and distraction from the rigid constructs of Roman Catholicism, it was not necessarily any more friendly or

Friday, October 18, 2019

International Migration Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Migration - Term Paper Example It is through migration that many international criminals are able to hide their activities. International migration also lead to pressure on social facilities in different countries and this often leads to conflicts between citizens. The entry of illegal immigrants in many countries leads to increase in petty offenders and criminals, when such illegal immigrants are unable to survive or find jobs abroad. The illegal migrants usually hide from the authorities in the host countries and they face cruel treatment but they also are unable to seek justice from the legal systems. Consequently, many criminal activities are committed against them by the citizens of such countries. The security of the host country is threatened when more people that had not been planned for by the security agents in all situations. The security facilities become overstretched and therefore unable to ensure adequate security to all members. Any country may risk capital flight when migrants move resources to th eir countries of origin. Consequently, economic resources are taken out of a country illegally to benefit other countries. Part 2 International migration produces benefits to their home countries and to the host countries depending on many situations. To their countries of origin, the migrants remit finances to their home countries. This often results into large sums of money being sent from well developed counties to developing countries. Such resources help in developing countries from which migrants came. International migration is more hurting to men due to pressure on men to provide in many families. The negative effects of international migration are loss of human resources, and the brain drain when countries lose their highly qualified people to other... The researcher of this term paper discusses international migration, that is the movement of people from one country to another due to many reasons. International migration has consisted of people moving from their country of birth for many reasons and this movement involves millions of people each year. The migrants range from less educated to highly educated professionals who move from their own countries that may have scarce resources. The low skilled workers also move to seek better wages abroad because the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. When people move from one country to another, they enter new countries whose laws they may not understand. Internal migration may also involve individuals whose characters are not known. It is through migration that many international criminals are able to hide their activities. International migration has remained one of the main issues that impact the lives of all people around the globe. International migration, that was discussed in the paper involves many issues that must be considered by those moving to foreign lands. The reseracher then concluds that this international movement of people has both positive and negative consequences to the individuals, their families, and the national economies as well. Legal migration can help boost the lives of individuals when all legal procedures are followed. Iover a million many countries deal with. Many countries have created legal provisions to curb the surge of illegal migrants to their borders.

Apple Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Apple Company - Essay Example It took Apple only five years from 2003 to 2008 to have the market value of its shares increased by as many as 25 times, as the value of Apple’s share in 2003 was $7.5 which increased to $180 in the year 2008. â€Å"At July 2008 prices, before the US Financial Crisis, Apple stock market capitalization was $160 billion. In January 2010 Apple shares topped the $210 mark† (Vertygo Team, 2011). The case study of Apple Company provides an excellent practical example of how the theoretical marketing principles can be brought to life by incorporating them into the business strategies, and their benefits can thus be obtained. This paper discusses the potential ways of integration of the marketing theory with practice, and explores the comprehensive marketing strategy adopted by the Apple Company that has led it to the profound success. The secret of Apple’s success lies beyond the design standards of its products as well as the core philosophy of Apple which suggests tha t â€Å"the user doesn’t always know what they want† (Tiojanco, 2012). ... potential hurdles in the way of integrating marketing theory with practice, and recognition of the measures that can be taken to overcome those obstacles. Subjectivity in the knowledge of marketing theory is introduced by the conflicting and complimenting marketing theories of different scholars and educationalists. There is not a single established way of marketing that has gained mutual consensus of all scholars and authors. In fact, different good practices have been explained in different books and literatures depending upon the context, circumstances, organizational objectives, and internal and external environmental and cultural factors that vary from one case study to another. However, there is a need to generalize certain marketing practices and principles that have been approved by a vast majority of scholars. Such marketing principles include but are not limited to improving the brand image by fulfilling corporate social responsibility, incorporating innovation and diversit y in the product design so that the product addresses the needs of a vast majority and diverse population of consumers, and selecting the right medium and the right time to advertise the products. Application of the marketing theory in practice requires understanding of difference between the role of advertisement and promotion. â€Å"[A]dvertising-like messages are used for longerterm strategic efforts to build brand awareness and attitude while promotion-like messages are designed for shorter-term tactical needs to stimulate an immediate sales response† (Percy, 2008, p. 28). Some of the hurdles in the integration of marketing theory with practice include lack of consistency between the organizational structure and the scope of work and organizational objectives, lack of involvement of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Lungs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Lungs - Research Paper Example The lungs are composed of a substance which is light, porous, have a spongy texture and are highly elastic. The surface has many polyhedral areas. The lungs are heavier in a male than in a female; the left lung is smaller than the right one in order to accommodate the heart. The lungs can be examined in terms of an apex, a base, three borders (anterior and inferior) and two surfaces (Costal and mediastinal). Each lung is conical in shape and is divided into lobes by interlobular fissures. The left lung is divided into the left superior or upper lobe and the left inferior or lower lobe. The right lung is divided into the right superior lobe, the right middle lobe and the right inferior lobe. Each lobe is further divided into pyramidal bronchopulmonary segments: ten in the right and eight in the left one. The root of each lung or the hilum connects the lung to the heart and the trachea. According to Gray (1918), â€Å"the bronchus, the pulmonary artery, the pulmonary veins, the bronch ial arteries and veins, the pulmonary plexuses of nerves, lymphatic vessels, bronchial lymph glands, and areolar tissue enter and leave the lungs through the root†. The trachea, or windpipe, reaches the thorax and is divided into the right and left bronchi. In the lungs the bronchi divide into large ventral and small dorsal branches. The bronchi are divided into smaller bronchi and bronchioles. Each bronchiole further splits into two or more respiratory bronchioles connected to alveolar ducts which, in turn, are connected to a cluster of small alveoli or air sacs. The pulmonary artery, the pulmonary veins, and the pulmonary capillaries supply deoxygenated blood to the lungs and remove oxygenated blood. The bronchial arteries and the bronchial vein supply oxygenated blood for the nutrition of the lung itself. All these arteries and veins enter and leave the lung through the hilum, as do the lymphatic vessels of the lungs. Pulmonary nodes, bronchopulmonary nodes and tracheobronc heal nodes are present. The lungs are supplied with nerves from the anterior and posterior pulmonary plexuses which have small ganglia on them. (Gray, 1918). The function of the lungs is to provide a continuous gas exchange between the inhaled air and the blood in pulmonary circulation. Oxygen is supplied and carbon dioxide is eliminated by exhalation. The exchange of gases takes place through simple diffusion: oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood and CO2 diffuses from the blood into the alveoli. This diffusion requires a concentration, or pressure, gradient. The concentration of oxygen in the alveoli is kept higher than in the blood and the concentration of CO2 in the alveoli is kept lower than in the blood by the breathing of fresh air into the lungs. This breathing mechanism is generated by the respiratory muscles: the exterior intercostals located between the ribs, and the diaphragm which is a sheet separating the thorax from the abdomen. During inspiration the interc ostals and the diaphragm contract, the dimension of the thoracic cavity increases, air pressure in the lungs decreases and becomes slightly negative as compared to atmospheric pressure. This causes the air to move from the atmosphere into the lungs. During exhalation the muscles relax, lung volume decreases, pressure in the lungs increases and air is exhaled. The surface tension on the walls of the alveoli caused by water molecules is reduced by the pulmonary surfactant produced by the lungs. The exchange

History of Film Genres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Film Genres - Essay Example Although that is the truth of the situation in the entertainment industry, the reality of the film-making world is that all of these films are actually categorized per genre. These genres include but are not limited to historical subject, intended impacts, formal criteria, subject matter, and finally, film style. Films generally classify their type of film per genre. By doing so, the movie aficionados and film buffs are given a chance to fully grasp and understand the evolution of our society via films. The slow but sure evolution of film, from the silent films to the colored talkies, to the high tech 3-D films that we have in the cinemas today all focus on the changes and development of culture or historical period within which certain films are produced (â€Å"The History and Evolution of Genres†). It is through this developmental context that Hollywood managed to produce such a diverse set of films stemming from the Western hero in the 1940's and 50's which eventually evolv ed into group heroism as explored in the 1960's and 70's. This group heroism exposed the shift in our society from the open land, pioneering work place of man towards the more organized group of working people in corporations and companies. Eventually, the increase of interest from within our society in the urban crime and international espionage era of the 1970's and 1980's gave way to the current trend of police/detective and spy / thriller genres (â€Å"The History and Evolution of Genres†). As seen in the above listing of film genres, one can note that films are composed of various forms which are identifiable by type. This means that the film categories or classifications can be done based upon a specific criteria. These criteria could be based upon films that have recurring/similar/familiar/instantly recognizable patterns, syntax, film techniques/conventions. content and subject matter, themes, mood, period, plot, central narrative events, motifs, styles, structures, si tuations, recurring icons based upon influence on society, stock characters, or even film stars. Some of these films could even by hybrid type and therefore employ the use of several genres in one film, this is what is known as a hybrid film in Hollywood (Dirks, Tim â€Å"Main Film Genres†). Historically, one of the most popular film genres includes are epic films such as The Ten Commandments, Quo Vadis, and Gone with the Wind. These types of films cater mostly to audiences that have a keen interest in costume dramas, historical dramas, war films, medieval romps, or period pictures. Although epic films have been known to share the elements of an adventure film due to their shared need for a vast, panoramic backdrop, epics still tend to stand under its own spotlight due to the uniqueness of the production values. These production values include but are not limited to: ... an historical or imagined event, mythic, legendary, or heroic figure, and add an extravagant setting and l avish costumes, accompanied by grandeur and spectacle, dramatic scope, high production values, and a sweeping musical score (Dirks, Tim â€Å"Main Film Genres†). Although the epic and war films share certain contexts when it comes to the story being told due to the lavish budgets, costumes, and settings, these two particular genres tell two different stories. While the epic can tell the story of an imagined event or heroic war figure, the war film depicts the cold-hearted brutality and heart breaking real life events

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Lungs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Lungs - Research Paper Example The lungs are composed of a substance which is light, porous, have a spongy texture and are highly elastic. The surface has many polyhedral areas. The lungs are heavier in a male than in a female; the left lung is smaller than the right one in order to accommodate the heart. The lungs can be examined in terms of an apex, a base, three borders (anterior and inferior) and two surfaces (Costal and mediastinal). Each lung is conical in shape and is divided into lobes by interlobular fissures. The left lung is divided into the left superior or upper lobe and the left inferior or lower lobe. The right lung is divided into the right superior lobe, the right middle lobe and the right inferior lobe. Each lobe is further divided into pyramidal bronchopulmonary segments: ten in the right and eight in the left one. The root of each lung or the hilum connects the lung to the heart and the trachea. According to Gray (1918), â€Å"the bronchus, the pulmonary artery, the pulmonary veins, the bronch ial arteries and veins, the pulmonary plexuses of nerves, lymphatic vessels, bronchial lymph glands, and areolar tissue enter and leave the lungs through the root†. The trachea, or windpipe, reaches the thorax and is divided into the right and left bronchi. In the lungs the bronchi divide into large ventral and small dorsal branches. The bronchi are divided into smaller bronchi and bronchioles. Each bronchiole further splits into two or more respiratory bronchioles connected to alveolar ducts which, in turn, are connected to a cluster of small alveoli or air sacs. The pulmonary artery, the pulmonary veins, and the pulmonary capillaries supply deoxygenated blood to the lungs and remove oxygenated blood. The bronchial arteries and the bronchial vein supply oxygenated blood for the nutrition of the lung itself. All these arteries and veins enter and leave the lung through the hilum, as do the lymphatic vessels of the lungs. Pulmonary nodes, bronchopulmonary nodes and tracheobronc heal nodes are present. The lungs are supplied with nerves from the anterior and posterior pulmonary plexuses which have small ganglia on them. (Gray, 1918). The function of the lungs is to provide a continuous gas exchange between the inhaled air and the blood in pulmonary circulation. Oxygen is supplied and carbon dioxide is eliminated by exhalation. The exchange of gases takes place through simple diffusion: oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood and CO2 diffuses from the blood into the alveoli. This diffusion requires a concentration, or pressure, gradient. The concentration of oxygen in the alveoli is kept higher than in the blood and the concentration of CO2 in the alveoli is kept lower than in the blood by the breathing of fresh air into the lungs. This breathing mechanism is generated by the respiratory muscles: the exterior intercostals located between the ribs, and the diaphragm which is a sheet separating the thorax from the abdomen. During inspiration the interc ostals and the diaphragm contract, the dimension of the thoracic cavity increases, air pressure in the lungs decreases and becomes slightly negative as compared to atmospheric pressure. This causes the air to move from the atmosphere into the lungs. During exhalation the muscles relax, lung volume decreases, pressure in the lungs increases and air is exhaled. The surface tension on the walls of the alveoli caused by water molecules is reduced by the pulmonary surfactant produced by the lungs. The exchange

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

McCarthyism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

McCarthyism - Essay Example Americans were shaken and afraid. The Soviet sweeping occupation of Eastern Europe occurred immediately following WWII. In effect, Russia replaced Germany and Japan as the American nemesis. The â€Å"Godless Communists† became a clear and present danger to a nation primed, ready and seemingly anxious to accept the Soviets as the new enemy of the â€Å"American Way.† Senator Joseph McCarthy seized upon this fear for, some would insist, purely political gain. He held hearings designed to weed-out subversives and communist sympathizers so as to keep America clean of communism. Instead, this time in history, the early 1950’s, is shamefully known as McCarthyism, a term that has since become a synonym for â€Å"witch hunt.† When World War II finally ended in 1945 Americans were war-weary and scared of a new threat, the Soviet Union. The Soviets had taken the place of Germany in the hearts and minds of Americans because it was emulating the aggressive, imperialis tic tendencies of the Third Reich. The difference being the Soviets now had a military that more or less matched the strength of the U.S., was a larger country and had a long-established communist philosophy which it was also spreading rapidly throughout Eastern Europe. The Soviets also had the atomic bomb by 1949 and was increasing its rocket capabilities, a move than would ultimately pit the two world superpowers in the space race of the late 1950’s through the1960’s. The threat of nuclear annihilation and/or a communist takeover was very real in the minds of 1940’s-50’s America. The sales of backyard bomb shelters were booming and the propaganda machines left over from the Nazi era was in full production mode. Communists, known simply as â€Å"Reds† were feared and thought to be lurking just about anywhere, the guy in the office next to yours, neighbors, long-term friends and family. Communist theories were supposedly hiding within the meanings of literary phrases and all types of media including the news. â€Å"A curious process of symbolic transference was at work whereby symbols applied to Hitlerite Germany were projected onto the USSR on account of the dangerous ‘Red Fascism’ promoted by Stalin† (Sproule, 208). This era was not the first threat of communism in America. The initial wave of â€Å"commie† paranoia came in 1917 after the Russian Revolution. Anti-communist sentiment subsided during the 1920 and ‘30’s when it was replaced by anti-fascism. The â€Å"Second Red Scare† lasted from about 1947 to 1957. McCarthyism and anti-communist sentiments could not have gained traction without the high intensity propaganda campaign encouraged by the government to discourage subversives and by corporations in their effort to undermine unions. R.J. Reynolds, a large tobacco company, initiated a widespread multi-million dollar campaign to notify the country about the communistic ch aracter of labor unions, particularly the union representing tobacco workers. This tactic caught on rapidly with other industries resulting in plummeting union membership numbers across the country for several decades. This effort continues today but the fear-based term is now â€Å"socialism.† The U.S. and Soviet Union were firmly engaged in what is famously known as the Cold War. It was a fought on two fronts, a mass military build-up and a propaganda blitz. During this time of the second red scare, many local and state governments along with public schools and

Marketing plan for mercedes benz Essay Example for Free

Marketing plan for mercedes benz Essay Dear Parents You must be informed about the laws that Current Legislation in UK produced in order to protect the children and young people. Current Legislation 1. Children Act (2004) identify five outcomes for children 1. Education Act (1993) Parents of children under 2 years have the right to ask for the child to be formally assessed 2. Sex Discrimination Act (1975) Ensure that individuals are not discriminated against on the grounds of their sex 3. Race Relation Act (1976) Equality of opportunity must be promoted 4. Public Health Act (1984) Covers the notification and exclusion periods for certain infectious diseases 5. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation (RIDDOR) (1995) Specify certain accidents and incidents that must be by law, reported 6. Equality Act 2010 Aims to ensure that rights of disabled individuals are met 7. Special Educational Need and Disability Act (2004) Protects children from discrimination on the basis of disability , and settings must make reasonable adjustments to their provision to meet the need and right of the child 8. Code of Practice for First Aid (1997) Gives guidance on the provision of trained first aiders and first aid provision 9. Protection of the Children Act (1998) Requires a list to be kept of people considered to be unsuitable to work with children 10. Care of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (2002) Deal with the identification, storage and use of potentially harmful substances, such as cleaning fluids 11. Childcare Act (2006) the law that sets out: Duties on local authorities to improve outcomes for children and to ensure access to information about provision in their area Legal frameworks for regulation and inspection of provision for children from birth to age 17 The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): this is the framework for the delivery of quality integrated care and education for children from birth to the 31 August following their fifth birthday. The EYFS includes requirements for the provision of young children’s welfare, learning and development that all providers must meet, as well as good practice guidance. Dear Parents You must be informed about the role of Regulatory Bodies that made all the inspection, investigation and enforcements to my premises in order to improve the overall well-being of the children. OFSTED Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They report directly to Parliament and they are independent and impartial. Ofsted is responsible for the inspection of a range of educations and children’s services, and for the inspection and regulation of registered Early Years and Childcare provision.  The aim of all this work is to promote improvement and value for money in the services they inspect and regulate, so that children and young people, parents and carriers benefits.  The registration process with Ofsted looks at my ability and suitability if I deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This is the framework for the delivery of quality integrated care and education for children from birth to the 31 August following their fifth birthday. The EYFS includes requirements for the provision of young children’s welfare, learning and development that all providers must meet, as well as good practice guidance. An Ofsted inspector will make regular visits to my premises and discuss about how I will meet the welfare requirements: The Inspection report produced by Ofsted will covers the followings: If, I and every other person looking after children on my premises, are suitable to care for children Every person living or working on my premises is suitable to be in regular contact with children My premises is suitable for looking after children If, I meet or will meet all the welfare, learning and development requirements of Early Years Foundation Stage and all the regulations and any conditions of registration imposed by. After an inspection, Ofsted publishes a report on Childminder home based environment website. In addition to written comments on a number of areas, schools and childminder premises are assessed on each area and overall on a 4-point scale: 1 (Outstanding), 2 (Good), 3 (Satisfactory) 4 (Inadequate). Ofsted Register Early Years Childminders to: Protect the children Ensure that they meet the requirements of Early Years Register Ensure that they provide good outcomes for children that keep children healthy, safe, ensure that they enjoy what they do and achieve well, make a positive contribution and develop skills for the future Promote high quality in the provision of care and learning and development Provide reassurance to parents Failure to complying with this welfare requirements would attract complains or concerns from parents or other people side. The law gives to Ofsted as regulatory body a range of powers to regulate children’s social care services, which set out the action that can take in order to enforce compliance with the law. They consider the particular circumstances of each case before deciding what action they need to take. However, it is very important for me not to lose sight of the overriding principle of ensuring the welfare of children and young people.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Contract Strategy And The Contractor Selection Process Construction Essay

Contract Strategy And The Contractor Selection Process Construction Essay Contracts are the fundament of the project management. They are used to procure people, materials and services. Main components in the contractor selection process will be outlined in this chapter. This processes are influenced by many factors such as the nature of the parties included, project type, and the risk allocation between the parties. The project is always about achieving a result. The main problem of this that client usually can not or doesnt wish to provide all necessary resources to complete the project from the internal sources. Therefore there is a need of obtaining resources from external organizations in order to achieve planned results. The method chosen by the client plays the crucial point. Proper understanding of contract conditions and the way of administering them is therefore fundamental to the project manager. Different industries use different types of contract in order to achieve desired results. Therefore, standard types of work-based contracts used in construction industry are completely different to the result-based contracts used in manufacturing, oil and software industries. In addition, the most complex projects can be divided into several different contracts. They can be carried out under one turnkey contract, as well as can be broken down into separate contracts. Design can be carried out by one contract, site preparation by the second contract, and the service/operation of the completed facility under the third contract. They can be broken down into several contracts based on the skills of the contractor, one organization being responsible for production and installation of all necessary equipment for the plant, second organization being responsible for the site preparation and all construction work, a third being responsible for quality control (external for construction organization), and a fourth being responsible for authorship (to control works going according to the approved design). They can be broken down into small numbers of large contracts or large numbers of small contracts. Each will give the contractor advantages as well as the disadvantages. Depending on the nature of the project and the skills, contractor must decide. Finally, different contracts can be operated in different ways. According to Smith N.J. (2002) there are three different ways in which contract can be operated. The first one of which is price-based contract, under which the contractor responsible to provide service, equipment or materials on the fixed price. On the other hand there is a reimbursable contract, under which contractor is reimbursed with the cost of carrying out the work plus profit. Finally, somewhere between these two is the quantity based or rate based contracts. The type of contract or set of contracts should be selected by the client only after the consideration of the managers available to manage the contract, project goals and the skills required to achieve them, appropriate allocation of responsibilities and risks and time available to carry out the project. Factors affecting the contract strategy A number of factors need to be considered before the choosing contract strategy. Responsibilities such as design, construction, quality control, procurement, safety, installation and commissioning need to be determined. The risks also need to be allocated between parties. Then the payment method to contractors, as from this decision depend which contract to use. When making a contract, contractors always wish to make it flexible, because during the life cycle of the project changes may occur. However, one more important factor is that the contracts need to be fair, equitable methods of price changes for instance. However, interests of the client and contractor usually opposed to each other. For example, client carries minimum risk under the lump-sum contract, but contractor carries maximum. And vice versa for cost reimbursable plus percentage fee contract. Almost all of these factors are important for any project. Nevertheless some of these factors may dominate depending on the nature of a project. If the work is a building a power plant in a river, where during the spring period lowest level of water, time-scale obviously dominate. If the work is building the skyscraper, then the quality will dominate. Client have only one chance to choose the correct contract strategy, after deciding this, it can not be changed. There are a plenty of options, and project manager should advice the client which strategy to accept. The selection is definitely one of the most important decisions in any project. Smith N.J. states that the project manager should always remember the three Rs of the contract. (Figure 1) Figure 1 The three Rs (Smith N.J. 2002) Relationships. Whether being highly structured or not, relationship plays important role in a contact strategy. Unstructured relationship may develop during the life cycle of a project and according to the circumstances. There is no exactly the way under which relationships are managed, they need to be managed individually. Risks. Whatever type of contract strategy choused the client, risks present everywhere. It is important for the client to choose right contract strategy which carries out risks which the client is able to manage. When choosing the contractor, client needs to pay attention on the ability of the contractor organization to manage risks appropriate. By other words, every risk in a project should be divided and managed by each party because if something goes wrong, outcomes might be serious. Rules. Rules are necessary to keep the relationship in right way. According to the rules, client and contractors make their behavior, and there will not be many conflicts between them. These Rs are closely interrelated. Relationships, risks and rules formalize one word under which the contract will be governed during the life cycle of the project. Contractor selection After the selection of a contract strategy, client needs to select the contractor. The selection of a contractor is a crucial decision made by client. The criteria for selection might be cost, time or quality. Usually the price/cost criteria is dominate as the clients seek the most economic price. However, according to Smith N.J. (2002) dominating of one of these criteria may negatively affect to others. Figure 2 Project objectives (Barnes and Wearne, 1993). This triangle illustrates the conflict between the project objectives. If the client wants to minimize the cost to minimum, it will affect time and quality. The project will be finished with no desired quality and not within the time scale. Oppositely, if the client wish to increase the level of quality, then it affects on the one hand to cost (overbudget), on the other time (not within planned time-scale). Therefore, client always need to decide, which objective is crucial for the current project. This triangle shows the basic problem of contract strategy. In the planning of the contract, client need to be sure of reason employing a contractor. Client usually selects a contractor for one or more of the following reasons: To use the particular management, technical and organizational skills, and expertise of that contractor for the duration of the contract. To use the skills of the contractor after the project has been completed. To have the benefit of the contractors special recourses, such as licensed processes, unique design of manufacturing capability, plant, materials in stock, ect. To get work started quicker than would be possible by recruiting and training direct employees. To get the contractor to take some of the cost risks of a project, usually the risks of planning the economical use of people, plant, materials and sub-contractors. To use the contractor to provide the recourses, both physical and financial, needed for the project. To be free to use his own (limited) recourses for other purposes. To encourage the development of potential contractors for the future. To deal with a contractor who is already known to the promoter. Smith N.J. (2002) Whatever the reason, client always should make a decision based on it. N. J. Smith (2002) described six principal considerations of choosing type of contract which has to be made by contractor. Those are: discipline, incentive, risk, change, time-scale and relationship. These considerations describe analytical justification of contracts, mainly compared the two price-based and cost based contracts. However, in authors opinion these considerations are actually become an advantages and disadvantages of each form. Therefore, this will be discussed in Chapter 4. According to the M. Brook (1993) the main aim of contractor selection is to find out the lowest possible price, and the following: A reputation for good quality workmanship and efficient organization; The ability to complete on time; A strong financial standing with a good business record; The expertise suited to size and type of project. Also he agrees that, not only client has to consider financial ability of contractor, but the contractor needs to make sure that the client is able to pay bills on time. In the past contractors have not been considered this issue. However this has changed with the introduction of bonds and guaranties used by both parties. Usually contractors selected by two or combination of both: competition and negotiation. When there is an open competition, local newspapers or journals invite competitors to take part on the tender. A deposit normally required, in order to distinguish serious offers. Alternatively, tender might be selective. In this type of tender contractors are selected and invited to tender. M. Brook (1993) determined three ways in which selective tendering lists drawn up: An advertisement may produce several interested contractors and suitable firms are selected to tender. The consultants may contact those they would wish to put on an ad-hoc list. Many local authorities and national bodies keep approved lists of contractors in certain categories, such as work type and cost range. Contractors which are selected to add into list normally asked to provide their financial and technical performance, particularly on the area which is under consideration. Contractors can prepare the answers according to the Standard form of tendering questionnaire private edition written by the National Joint Consultative Committee for Building (NJCC). Questions on it is basically about the projects carried out for last three years. After the completion of questionnaire, it can be used for any further projects or particular project for which contractor invited as a competitor. On the other hand Code of Procedure for Single Stage Selective Tendering written especially for building industry by NJCC. According to this code, project success depends on the completion of design phase before tenders invited and the use of standard forms of contract. M. Brook (1993) classifies Code as follows: Preliminary enquiry contractors are given the opportunity to decide whether they wish to tender by receiving a preliminary enquiry letter, four to six weeks before the dispatch of tender documents. Number of tenderers the recommended number of tenderers is a maximum of six (three of four for design and build) and further names could be held in reserve. Tender documents the aim of the documents is that all tenders will be received on the same basis so that competition is limited to price only. Time for tendering normally at least four working weeks should be allowed, and more time may be needed depending on the size and complexity of the project. Qualified tenders tenderers should not try to vary the basis of their tenders using qualifications. Queries or unacceptable contract conditions should be raised at least 10 days before tenders are due. The consultants can then tell all the tenderers of their decisions and if necessary extend the time for tendering. A contractor should be asked to withdraw significant qualifications or else face rejection. This is necessary to ensure tenders are received on a like-for-like basis. Withdrawal of tenders a tender may be accepted as long as it remains open; a definite period is usually stated in the tender documents. The tenderer may withdraw his offer before its acceptable, under English law. Assessing tenders the tenders should be opened as soon as possible after they are received. Priced bills may be submitted in a separate envelope by all the contractors, or, more likely only the bills of the lowest tenderer will be called for and submitted within four working days. Once the contract has been let, every contractor should be issued with a list of tender prices. Alternatively, tender prices should be given in ascending order and the names listed in alphabetical order. Examination and adjustment of priced bills the PQS will treat the information in the tender documents as confidential and report errors in computation to the architect and client. There are two methods for dealing with errors. Alternative one gives the tenderer the opportunity to confirm his offer or withdraw it. Alternative 2 allows the contractor to confirm his offer or amend it to correct genuine errors. If the contractor amends his offer with a revised tender which is no longer the lowest, the tender of the lowest will be considered. Negotiated reduction of tender the code of procedure recognizes the needs to look for savings in the cost of a project where the tender exceeds the employers budget. This can be achieved by negotiation with the lowest tenderer, or the next lowest if negotiations fail. Two-stage selective tendering may be approved by the client, when the contractors involvement is needed at the design phase. The first stage will provide the competitive tender based on bill of quantities according to the preliminary design. The contractor selected at the first stage helps with the design, after completion of which submits documents for the second stage without competition based on the considered price. NJCC published codes for two-stage selection tender and selection tender for design and build. Those are almost same as the Code of Procedure for Single Stage Selective Tendering, except: Client should consider contractors design and build experience. Number of tenderers reduced to four. The price is not a key issue in the selection of contractors. Significant interdependence between cost, time and quality should be included in clients requirement. During the negotiation stage, contractors selected based on their past experience, performance, recommendation or familiarity with work under consideration. And only one contractor may be selected to proceed the work. Project organisation Often client employs a design consultant in order to advice on feasibility stage of project, or a project management consultant to advice the strategy and risks. As discussed earlier in previous chapter, it might be appropriate to the client to employ a single contractor for the whole project, or a consortium of companies as well as a two or more separate contractors. Further in this chapter will be discussed different types of project organisation. Package deal (turnkey, design and supply) According to the OGC report (2007), the main contractor has to be an experienced organisation to bring together all of the parties (design, construction, installation ect.) necessary to meet the clients expectations. Also further information stated in this report There is nothing to prevent a designer, facilities manager, financier or any other organisation from acting as the Prime Contractor, providing they have suitable ability and experience. Prime Contracting must demonstrate during the initial occupation period that operating cost and performance parameters can be met. It usually includes such features as pain/gain share (where the Prime Contractor as well as the client gains financially by reducing the project costs), target cost pricing (where prices are agreed on the basis of a reasonable profit for the supply team and value for money to the client) and open book accounting (where costs are made transparent to the client). (OGC report, 2007) In this type of arrangement, only one single contractor carries all the responsibility for the project from start to completion. Although main contractor responsible for the procurement, design, construction, equipment supply, installation, commissioning, these works can be sub-contracted to the specialist organizations. The main contractor usually responsible also for financing, design approval, working and state commissions ect. Although being simple, this arrangement has its advantages and disadvantages. The main strengths are: Estimating the cost of the project at the early stage may be possible, the clients requirements are known; The total cost of the project may be reduced; Early completion may be possible as result of design/construction overlap; Easier design integration; Better project organisation; Client has to deal with only one organisation for design and construction; Few recourses from the client need to be involved in a project; Fewer disputes caused by design failure or other defects. Weaknesses: Clients ability to control the contractor will be low; Clients expectations may not be met; Highly qualified staff needed to manage the contractor; No or little contact with the sub-contractors; Client in a negative position to introduce changes; Package deal contracts are commonly used in the service and process industries. Where the contractors are much more experienced in this type of contract rather than other types. (other types will be introduced in the next chapter) However package deal contracts are also used in civil engineering field, especially in building standard houses or office blocks. Package deal contracts are very effective when the client wish to start works early, but he has no sufficient recourses and advisors. Build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) This type of contract requires that consortium of companies or single contractor take responsibility to built, own and operate a facility. This usually undertaken by the government for the fixed duration (concession period), during which the client pays contractor (normally monthly). Contractor is completely responsible for the project from start to hand over after the concession period, including gaining necessary finance for the project at the start. At the end of concession period ownership of the facility returns to the client. Separation of design and implementation This tends to be the traditional contract. In that type of contract design separated from the construction. This normally achieved by employing the architect (designer) then the contractor for its construction. Despite the fact that there are many available and useful types of contract, this type of contract is still widely used in building and civil engineering industries. In practice, architect or design company supervises the construction process from the clients side. Smith N.J. (2002) states that, Construction is usually undertaken under a quantities/rates based contract, or occasionally under a lump-sum or reimbursable contract. Management contracting Management contracting is a type of contract where the client employs external organisation to control and manage the design and construction processes. External management organisation itself normally does not take part in any of the works. These are packaged into one or several contracts. When using the management contracting, client establishes the contractual and organisational system which is completely different from the conventional approaches. Management organisation employed by the client becomes a part of its team, therefore involvement of a client in the project increases. According to Smith N.J. (2002) payment for the management organisations staff normally is reimbursable plus fee, oppositely for engineering contracts this usually be a lump-sum or quantity based. The management contractor is appointed early, and it has a considerable involvement in a design process. Other participants such as design and construction contractors are employed in normal way. Management contracts have considerable advantage in a building and civil engineering industries, where traditional contracts can not be used. These advantages are listed below (depending of the needs of a client): Time saving. An early start to the project (political, budgetary or procurement policy reasons); Therefore an early completion of a project; When high probability that changes may take place, for instance, high technology or innovative projects. Organisational complexity. When client does not have sufficient resources or does not wish to manage a number of contractors, which may include two or more designers as well as the construction contractors. Although thesis has a construction emphasis, in authors opinion it would give the additional information about contracts if offshore oil engineering will be discussed as well. Offshore oil industry uses the same contracts as a construction industry, except concession contracts. However, industry called each contract in completely different ways. For example: EPC engineer, procure, construct contract; PC procure and construct contract; EPIC engineer, procure, install, commission contract; PIC procure, install and commission contract. In construction industry EPIC would be considered as a turnkey contract. The only one significant difference of oil industry from others is that oil industry contracts, including EPIC (turnkey equivalent) contracts, always concentrate in high level of clients involvement on the project. Direct labour Usually clients does non wish to employ external contractors to install or make equipments or construction activities, instead clients may use their in-house recourses, maintenance or construction department for instance. This is known as a direct labour or direct works. Each activity, such as design, construction or equipment installation normally responsibility of different departments within the company. These initial agreements are very similar to the external contracts, but the conflicts and disputes between departments would be solved in managerial level within the organisation rather than by external legal dispute resolution procedures. Bidding strategy The tendering process begins with the invitation to tender. (from the contractors point of view). Usually in practice, building contractors does not submit truly competitive tender. After the receiving the invitation, contractor must decide whether to accept or decline tender. If contractor accept, competitive bid must be submitted, however if the contractor does not accept, the bona fide tender still should be submitted. (definition of bona fide need here). Contractors always faced with to crucial decisions which are, whether or not submit competitive tender, and if so what is the bid price should be. Ansoff (1965) suggested five possible courses of action open for the contractor: Reject the project Provisionally accept the project Add it to a reverse list Remove a project from the reverse list and replace it with the current project Unconditional acceptance However Skitmore (1989) pointed out that the limited time available for tender restricts the use of reverse list, therefore normally contractors decide simply from two accept or reject options. Althouh contractor rejected the tender, it does not usually mean that the bid will not be submitted. If the contractor not interested in particular tender, but does not wish to reject (once contractor rejected the tender, it may not be invited to tender again), as it may cause problems in the future, contractor can submit the cover price. In practice, the decision whether or not to submit a tender depends on number of factors. According to the CIOB (1983), this decision depend on the type of work under consideration, if the contractor has an appropriate experience in particular area and necessary resources to prepare documents and carry out the work. However other authors agree that the key points in the decision would be the contractors present workload and availability of key personnel. Odusote and Fellows (1992) made significant effort in identifying the most important factors influencing the contractors decision. In this research, authors identified 42 considerations which are likely to influence the decision considered by other authors. Then constructed questionnaire and sent them to various building contractors each with a turnover of approximately 8m (or higher) per year. Figure 3 below illustrates these factors based on respond of 48 UK building contractors (ranked in order of importance). Client-related factors Type of work Value of the project Contractors current workload Estimating workload Likely profitability of the contract Location of the project Form of contract Physical recourses to do the job Identity of consultants Time available to tender Odusote and Fellows (1992) On the other hand, an American survey handled by Ahmad and Minkarah (1990) identified 31 factors affecting the bidding strategy of top USA companies. Further this list of factors used by Snash (1990) in his study. Snash formulated a questionnaire according to the list of factors, and submitted them to the top UK contractors asking them to rank the most important factor. Finally he received responds from 80 contractors, and the table has been produced based on contractors respond. Figure 4 illustrates the top 20 factors affecting bid/no bid decision. Contractors need for work Number of competitors tendering Experience in similar projects Current work load Owner/client identity Contract conditions Project type Past profit in similar projects Project size Tendering method (open/selective) Risk owing to the nature of the work Project location Type of contract Availability of qualified staff Rate of return Project cash flow Tender period Availability of other projects Availability of labour Completeness of the documents (Snash 1990) There is some similarity between two studies, however that does not necessary mean every contractor has to consider each factor. Some contractor may consider some, but others may consider completely different factors. Contractor should decide rather bid or no bid in particular project regarding his own status and circumstances. By other words, regarding to evidence (Odusote and Fellows, 1992) it can be said, that for large project, it would be decision of group of people rather than one individual. However, there is an alternative factor affecting bid/no bid decision. Contractors who have a number of contracts (portfolio of projects), can balance their overall risks by deciding to tender particular project. This approach first introduced in the financial sector, which basically says that the contractors can afford the risky projects if the overall risk can be reduced by balancing with the other less risky projects in contractors portfolio. Kangari and Riggs (1988) pointed out that this approach can not be used as successful as in the financial organisations. They concluded: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Diversification of the project portfolio can generally reduce but not eliminate overall risk exposureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Bid price After the decision to tender, contractor will be faced by the next important decision which is bid price. Normally contractor estimates the bid price according to the necessary inputs on the process. The management process estimating the level of bid price called adjudication. A significant number of researches have been carried out for last 40 years about submitting the best bid price. Different studies concentrated various model of bidding. If one researchers developed the mathematical model, method based on historical data, statistical bidding models and econometric based model, others concentrated on less mathematical models such as human decision-making process. However Moselhi et all. (1993) states: Markup estimation is a decision problem that is so highly unstructured that it is difficult to analyse and formulate an adequate solution mechanism. It is both time consuming and complicated to identify all the related factors that form a rational basis for such decisions, analyse their individual strength, and then quantify their combined impact on the decision. The usual practice is to make bid decisions on the basis of intuition, derived from mixture of gut feeling, experience and guesses. This implies some sort of pattern recognition is used rather than computation or deep reasoning about the problem elements. Alternatively, Park and Chapin summarised their research that: Many different theoretical approaches to competitive bidding have been proposed and tested with varying results. Any of these strategies should improve the contractors bidding effectiveness, and whichever one works best for a particular competitive situation is obviously the best one to use. It will be worth whatever time is required to at least become familiar with the different approaches; they all offer some good ideas, and even a bad plan is better than no plan at all. Factors considered by contractors Adjudication is the process about getting the best possible bid price, during which contractors should consider number of factors. Eastham (1987) identified 90 factors which are likely to affect the bid price. During the research questionnaire had been sent to ten contractors who identified only five most important factors. However those responds had not considered as important as in Easthams research. Subcontract requirements Type and size of job Competitors Client and professionals Labour requirements (Eastham 1987) Snash (1990) also identified factors affecting the bid price. This has been done through formulating the questionnaire. Degree of difficulty of the work Risk owing to the nature of the work Current workload Need for the work Contract conditions Anticipated cost of liquidated damages Owner/client identity Past profit in similar work (Snash 1990)